Why, hello again. Now that summer is upon us things have been busy here at The Crafty Princess house. Between all that has been going on and Hub's change in work schedule (6pm-3am is not fun y'all!) we have been seriously lacking in the communication department. We recently sat down and worked out our frustrations, and I came up with another little gem (if I do say so myself) to help us keep in touch.
While I was at the dollar store, looking for something else (of course), I came across some mini clip boards. I has a flash back to my retail days and how we communicated a lot through the use of clipboards. Surely if it works between management that doesn't see each other much, it must work for us, right? Well, that's my working theory right now, anyway.
All in all this project cost me the $2.00 for the two clipboards, since I already had all the other supplies. ($2.00 to help relieve stress? That's what I call a bargain!) For this project you'll need: a clipboard (or two), scissors, a pencil (not shown), a paint brush, a fun piece of paper (I used scrapbook paper), and some Mod Podge.
First, trace the clipboard onto the paper and cut it out. For the funky area around the clip, fold the paper up around the clip and crease the paper. Now you have cut lines. I realize in typing this, I should probably have a picture of this step, but I promise, it's not as difficult as it sounds. If you want you can always practice on a scrap piece of paper and use that as a template.
Next, starting at the top and going a few inches down, paint some Mod Podge onto the clip board. Then, place the paper on top, being careful around the clip.
Once the top of the paper is secure, paint Mod Podge onto the rest of the clip board. At this point I let The Little Princess help, because she had been begging to help since I pulled out my craft supplies.
Once saturated with Mod Podge, carefully lay the paper down onto the clip board. You will not have a lot of wiggle room. It's kind of a one and done method, not a lot of relifting without tearing the paper. Press firmly to get out any air bubbles.
After the paper is secure, paint another layer of Mod Podge on top of the paper to seal it all up.
Here it is, drying.
And here it is again, all dry, with another that I made. The idea being that we each get one.
Now all that is left is to hang it in a commonly used area (AKA above the computer!) Hubs decided he liked the polka dot one, so that one is his. Whenever I need him to do something for me when he wakes up the next day, I can leave it on the clipboard. And if he needs me to do something at night after the kids are in bed, he can leave a note for me. Fingers crossed that this works!